Plus size singles biggest worry on their first date is that the other person won't like them. They feel they have found someone compatible and fear rejection. They worry about their looks, how they act, talk and what they say.
Men worry about their financial status. Will she like me if I don't have enough money or my job isn't good enough? When you pretend to be someone different from who you are, the date usually ends badly and there's no chance for a second meeting.
You need to plan and do what it takes to be yourself on the first date. The first date is the best impression of you as a real person. You must follow these 3 tips to have a successful first date that could lead to a great relationship.
Don't talk about your financial status- Men love to talk about their financial status even though they might be a plumber or carpenter. They do this because they feel the woman will like them better and it gives them some power. When men do this it puts them in a bind because if the date goes further into a relationship, then they have put themselves at risk.
They don't know if the gal cares for them because of money or love. The movie "Coming to America" is a perfect example. Eddie Murphy didn't want the girl of his dreams to know he was a Prince because he feared she would want him just for his money.
Do not discuss your financial status on your first date and always be truthful with your date. After you have been on regular dates, then you can tell her about your money matters. If she really cares about you, it shouldn't matter.
Don't imitate someone by the way they dress- plus size singles are very conscious of their looks, because they want their date to like them and will do what it takes to impress them, even imitating a movie star or someone they admire by dressing the way they do. They look down on themselves and worry that their date will feel they are ugly and not sexy enough.
For more plus size dating tips check the plus size dating site.